Clay County Sheriff

Past Sheriffs

1862 through 1864

A.A. Partridge

1865 through 1866  

Aaron Carpenter


L. Lyon 
(left office during term, reason unknown) 

1867 through 1870  

Amos F. Shaw
(appointed to replace Lyon - elected in 1868)


Thomas C. Hawthorn
resigned same year

1871 through 1872  

Calvin G. Shaw 
(appointed to fill balance of Hawthorne's term)

1873 through 1874

E.B. Dawson

1875 through 1876  

Isaac Cope

1877 through 1882

George McDonald

1883 through 1884 

Isaac Cope

1885 through 1886

John Hart

1887 through 1892 

Isaac Cope

1893 through 1896

John B. Satter

1897 through 1898  

H.E. Vaughn

1899 through 1900

John B. Satter


Ole B. Johnson
(died in office, April 1901)

1901 through 1902

W.M. Gilchrist
(appointed April 26, 1901 to fill Johnson's term)

1903 through 1906  

John A. Gunderson

1907 through 1910

George Kempker

1911 through 1914 

James Partridge

1915 through 1918

M.A. Vaughn

1919 through 1922  

George Kempker

1923 through 1926

Franklin F. Orr

1927 through 1930  

James Partridge

1931 through 1932 

Howard Curtis

1933 through 1936  

William R. Russell, Jr.

1937 through 1940

George F. Russell

1941 through 1944  

Herman P. Nelson

1945 through 1948

Keeler C. Sherk

1949 through 1952  

Herman P. Nelson

1953 through 1958

Joseph P. O'Connor

1959 through 1962

Leo J. Wherry

1963 through 1980

Arnold N. Nelson 

1980 through 2002  

Raymond "Dusty" Passick

2003 to present

Andrew M. Howe